mitosaya on Noma Kyoto

満開の桜咲く京都を訪れた理由は、現在ACE HOTELで開催中のNoma Kyotoを訪れるため。

このノーマ京都で提供される、ディジェスティフ(食後酒)のメニューに、mitosayaの AWA BIWABLOOD ORANGELOOT ROOTKASUTORIFine De Michinoku、そして新発売のSAKURAMAROPOST OLIVEを選んでもらいました。


ペアリングもバッチリ決まっていて、ヨロッコのわかめとフウトウカズラのビール、寺田本家のどんぐり日本酒、農楽蔵やBEAU PAYSAGEのワインなど、ここでしかなかなか飲めないものが、ここで飲みたいってときに出てくる喜び。


We are here in Kyoto.
The reason for my visit to Kyoto, where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, is to visit Noma Kyoto, currently being held at ACE Hotel.

I was asked to choose AWA BIWA, BLOOD ORANGE, LOOT ROOT, KASUTORI, Fine De Michinoku, SAKURAMARO and POST OLIVE from mitosaya for the digestif menu served at the Noma Kyoto. Ichiro's Malt, Atsugishi
We are very proud to have spirits made from Japanese fruits and botanicals chosen alongside Ichiro's Malt, Atsugishi, Kanosuke and other Japanese whiskeys and Yamato Sakura shochu.
They also used mitosaya's eau de vie as the base for two cocktails.

Last fall, Mees, the head sommelier who came to visit mitosaya, noticed the feces of a cherry blossom caterpillar, "Sakura Kemushi," which was shared with us from ANTCICADA with the intention of using it in SAKURAMARO. The poo of the sakura-kemushi, which eats only cherry tree leaves, is soaked in hot water to make a refined tea with the aroma and color of cherry blossoms.
This poo was brought directly back to Copenhagen and passed the Rene check without incident after being handed over to Carolyne in the tea section.
For this year's menu, we were served a non-alcoholic pairing course of a tea blend of cherry pestle poo and plum blossoms collected at mitosaya, which is carbonated after being brewed with water.

Now, let's talk about the food. While the 13-course menu was indeed made with Japanese and Kyoto ingredients, it was neither traditional Japanese cuisine nor Western cuisine. The dishes are delicious, of course, but each dish has its own surprise and playfulness, both in appearance and taste, and there are points of interest, such as where this flavor comes from, or the combination of this texture and that aroma! There are points that catch you off guard, like where this flavor comes from, or the combination of this texture and that aroma! If I may be so bold as to say so, they are trying to be popular.
In that sense, I think people who are used to eating Japanese food will enjoy it more. Our Friends's farm Naeme herbs and wild plants are also used in abundance and are very reliable.

The pairings were also perfect, with wakame seaweed and foutoukazura beer from Yorocco, Donguri sake from Terada Honke, and wines from Nourakura and BEAU PAYSAGE, all of which are hard to find only here, and a joy to find when one wants to drink them here.
The non-alcoholic pairings were also interesting, but to write more would spoil it for those who are going to the restaurant, so I'll leave it at that.

It is possible to create such a long-distance expression with materials that are close at hand. I will return to mitosaya with great inspiration.