Distillery Class

Distillery Classは、蒸留家の江口宏志が運営する、「蒸留」をテーマにしたPodcastです。
五里霧中の状況で蒸留所を設立するまでに自分の体験したことを、これから蒸留を志す人の参考になればという思いから「The Distillers Year / 蒸留家12ヶ月」というコンテンツを立ち上げ、日々のことを記録しました。

Distillery Class とは蒸留について学ぶ場所であり、また蒸留にまつわる生活の喜びを分かち合う、蒸留階級の集う場所でもあります。
Distillery Classは、各社Podcastサービスでお聴きいただけます。
Distillery Class
Listen on Spotify / Apple Podcast / Google Podcast
オープニング、エンディング曲:Yuzu Katane
カバーデザイン:TAKAIYAMA inc.
Distillery Class

Learn more about distillation and become familiar with a life of enjoying spirits.
We are starting a podcast Distillery Class on the theme of "distillation", run by Hiroshi Eguchi, a distiller.
When I started mitosaya, I was acutely aware of the lack of information about distilling.
I started "The Distillers Year / 12 Months of a Distiller" to document my daily life, hoping that it would be useful for people who want to start a distillery.
At that time, the response was very positive: "There are so many books and information about fermentation, but why is there so little information about distilling? I wrote a book called "A Book Guide for Distillers," in which I collected and reviewed books on distillation based on such a simple question.
Distillation is the process of extracting a special drop from a naturally occurring substance using a technique called "distillation. Despite the simplicity of the process, it is a task that requires the selection of raw materials, a number of processes, and a great deal of taste.
In the world of distillation, where nature and man interact, there are many outputs and as many people as there are outputs.
Distillation also concentrates flavors, reduces volume, and virtually eliminates degradation factors such as oxidation and spoilage. This means that it can be stored for longer periods of time and can be easily transported. This characteristic also means that it can be aged for a long time, and the deepening of the flavor and the stories that are created in the process are part of the appeal of distilling.

Of course, another unique aspect of distilling is the act of enjoying it with a glass of wine and conversation. Take time to enjoy spirits with or after a meal. Thinking about the distiller and the nature that lies beyond. There is a culture of enjoying life around distilled spirits.
I would like to talk about these attractions of distillation in technical terms, which I can talk about because I am involved in distilling myself, and to have conversations with people who are involved in all aspects of life, starting with distilling.
Distillery Class is a place to learn about distilling, and also a place for the distilling class to come together and share the joys of distilling-related life.
You can listen to Distillery Class on various podcast services.
Distillery Class
Listen on Spotify / Apple Podcast / Google Podcast
Opening and closing music by Yuzu Katane
Cover drawing by Ryota Nishimoto
Cover design: TAKAIYAMA inc.
Production cooperation: Tatsuo Kamiya