
Farming Friday
mitosayaでは、敷地内を多くの植物がいきいきと育つ環境にし、来場者に楽しんでもらえるような場所にすることを目指しています。パートナーである苗目の協力のもとに取り組んでいるのが、金曜日を土に触り、植物を育てる日にするFarming Fridayです。 (冬の間はきこりFridayに変身します)
1010 Project
摘みたてのフレッシュハーブも、採れすぎてしまったフルーツも、プロフェッショナルなレシピも、世界を変える新しいアイデアも思いついたらすぐにボトリング。 みんなが使える町の充填所をつくります。
Distillery Class
南房総のAMBESSA&CO、鴨川の苗目、そして大多喜のmitosaya 。房総半島の南で自然とともに活動する三者による合同プロジェクト、それが房総族です。

Farming Friday
At mitosaya, our goal is to create an environment where many plants can grow vigorously and be enjoyed by visitors. With the cooperation of our partner, Naime, we are working on Farming Friday, a day to touch the soil and grow plants. (During the winter, it will be transformed into Kikori Friday.)
1010 Project
Freshly picked herbs, overripe fruit, professional recipes, and world-changing new ideas are bottled as soon as they are conceived. We will create a filling station in town that everyone can use.
Distillery Class
Deepen your knowledge of distilling and become familiar with a life of enjoying spirits.This is a podcast run by Hiroshi Eguchi, a distiller, in which he discusses the theme of distillation with a variety of guests.
AMBESSA&CO in Minami Boso, Naeme in Kamogawa, and mitosaya in Otaki. Bosozoku is a joint project by three people working with nature in the south of the Boso Peninsula.