

ご存知の通り、日本には南から北まで素晴らしい果物・植物の生産地があり、それぞれの個性があります。そんな中で出会ったのが、この薬草園跡地でした。植生される植物には、漢方や生薬の材料になるようなものもあれば、香りや染料の原料になるもの、果樹や野菜もあります。これらを原料にした蒸留酒を作るには最高の環境です。大多喜町から薬草園跡地を借り受けた私たちは、この場所を「mitosaya 薬草園蒸留所」と名付けました。


- 2019年 グッドデザイン金賞
- Pen CREATOR AWARDS 2021 審査員特別賞
- L&G GLOBAL BUSINESS/SUN-AD:金沢のブティックホテル 香林居のためのオー・ド・ヴィ「IROMOJI」
- FUJIFILM design:CLAY 10 minutes BAR
- TE HANDEL:yuko yamamoto「NOURISH」 / mitosaya pop up shop
- CNA ASIA Remarkable Living [ Small Plates, Big Flavours ]
- NHK 「趣味どきっ!人と暮らしと、台所〜夏」 Distiller Magazine (American Distilling Institute)
- AERA [現代の肖像]

mitosaya is located in the center of the Boso Peninsula, Otaki Town in Chiba Prefecture. Here is a town where nature and history coexist. mitosaya is located in a vast forest in this lush green area, which is also a castle town known as the "Little Edo of Boso.
Originally, there was a public botanical garden specializing in medicinal plants here, and the Chiba Prefectural Herbarium, established in 1987, was operated to spread the correct knowledge of medicinal plants by planting about 500 kinds of medicinal plants on a 16,000 square meter site, as well as more than several hundreds kinds of crude drug specimens. After that, the medicinal herb garden was transferred to Otaki Town and closed at the end of 2015.

On the other hand, Hiroshi Eguchi, the president of mitosaya, learned distilling techniques from Christoph Keller at Stählemühle, a distillery in southern Germany. When Hiroshi returned to Japan in 2016, he and family traveled around the country looking for a place to make spirits from Japanese fruits and plants.
As you know, Japan has wonderful fruit and plant production areas from south to north, each with its own unique character. In the midst of all this, I came across this former medicinal herb garden site. Some of the vegetation is used to make Chinese medicine and herbal medicines, others for fragrances and dyes, fruit trees and vegetables. It is the perfect environment for making distilled liquor from these plants. We leased the former site of a medicinal herb garden from the town of Otaki, and named the place "mitosaya Botanical Distillery".
We renovated the facilities of the medicinal herb garden and obtained a distillery license in November 2018 as a distillery to make eau-de-vie, a distilled liquor made from plants grown on the site and excellent fruits from all over Japan.

At mitosaya, we use a hands-on approach to the entire distillation process: processing, brewing, and distilling. Not only do we grow a wide variety of plants ourselves, but we also harvest them from our partner farmers and orchards, or go into the mountains to use natural products. We believe that by using products that are as close to nature as possible, we can bring out a richer flavor.
We also actively use ingredients that have never been used in spirits before to create spirits and products. All of this is done with the idea of bringing out the best of fruits and plants in a pure and fragrant way.
With the motto of "giving shape to small discoveries from nature," the small seeds we planted have gradually spread. We now have dozens of business partners, including Naime, who has been our partner since the start of our business, as well as nearby growers and suppliers who are sincerely engaged in fruit tree cultivation throughout Japan.
We also have many supporters who participate in the cultivation of our own rye, herbs and medicinal herbs.
Since our first release in 2019, we have released over 100 spirits, processed products and products that lock in the bounty of the seasons.
The products are available in limited numbers, but are supported by passionate supporters. They can also be enjoyed in top-class restaurants and bars.