
山本祐布子/Yuko Yamamoto
イラストレーター/mitosaya株式会社 取締役
mitosayaでは、ボタニカルプロダクトの開発や、フード・ドリンク全般に携わる。マップのイラストレーションももちろん彼女によるもの。京都精華大学 テキスタイルデザイン科卒業。切り絵、水彩画、ドローイング等いくつかの技法を使い、 装丁、広告、プロダクトデザインなどに関わる。
石渡康嗣/Yasutsugu Ishiwatari
mitosaya株式会社 取締役 COO(Chief Operating Officer)/株式会社WAT 代表取締役
mitosayaでは事業・運営全般のサポートを担当。サンフランシスコ発の“Blue Bottle Coffee”や“Dandelion Chocolate”など、アメリカのクラフトブランドの日本上陸のプロデュースを手掛ける一方で、大崎“CAFE&HALL ours”やクラフトなコーヒー「Coffee Wrights」など、手づくりな食で地域のコミュニティを育むカフェの運営を行う。

朝霧重治/Shigeharu Asagiri
mitosaya株式会社 監査役 CTO(Chief Technical Officer)/株式会社協同商事コエドブルワリー代表
井上隆太郎/Ryutaro Inoue
CBO(Chief Botanical Officer)/農地所有適格法人 株式会社苗目 代表
中山英之/Hideyuki Nakayama
CAO(Chief Architect Officer)/中山英之建築設計事務所 代表

山野英之/Hideyuki Yamano
CCO(Chief Creative Officer)/TAKAIYAMA inc. 代表
谷戸正樹/Masaki Yato
CDO(Chief Digital Officer)/MYDO LLC 代表
みとさや新聞/mitosaya newspaper

MITOSAYA was founded by eight members with a love and passion for nature and distillation. Each professional aspires to grow as mitosaya while utilizing their individuality and abilities.
Yuko Yamamoto
Illustrator / Director, mitosaya Inc.
At mitosaya, Yuko Yamamoto is involved in the development of botanical products as well as food and beverages in general. The illustrations on the map are also by her. Graduated from Kyoto Seika University, Department of Textile Design. She is involved in bookbinding, advertising, and product design, using several techniques including paper cut-outs, watercolors, and drawings.
Yasutsugu Ishiwatari
COO (Chief Operating Officer), mitosaya Inc. / Representative Director of WAT inc.
He is in charge of overall business and operational support at mitosaya. He has been involved in producing the arrival in Japan of American craft brands such as "Blue Bottle Coffee" and "Dandelion Chocolate" from San Francisco. On the other hand, he also manages cafes that nurture local communities with handmade food, such as Osaki's "CAFE&HALL ours" and craft coffee "Coffee Wrights".

Shigeharu Asagiri
Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Auditor of mitosaya Corporation / Representative of Co-Ed Brewery, Kyodo Shoji Co.
Shigeharu Asagiri is the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of mitosaya, a company that provides equipment cooperation, technical support, and cooperation in raw material purchasing and product sales channels. He is the representative of Coedo Brewery, based in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture, which produces COEDO, a premium beer sold in Japan and 12 other countries around the world and highly acclaimed.
Ryutaro Inoue
CBO (Chief Botanical Officer) / Representative of Naeme Corporation
At mitosaya, Ryutaro Inoue is in charge of botanical planning, maintenance, and raw material procurement. Based on his own farm in Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture, he produces and collects over 100 varieties of herbs and edible flowers using completely natural farming methods.
Hideyuki Nakayama
CAO (Chief Architect Officer) / President, Hideyuki Nakayama Architects & Engineers
Hideyuki Nakayama designed and supervised the construction of mitosaya's distillery and related facilities. He established Hideyuki Nakayama Architects in 2007 after working for Toyo Ito & Associates, and has been an associate professor at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts since 2014.

Hideyuki Yamano
He is in charge of designing the logo, bottles, labels, etc. for mitosaya, as well as signage for the distillery.
Masaki Yato
Chief Digital Officer (CDO)/Representative of MYDO LLC
Responsible for the direction of mitosaya's website, online store, and SNS operation.
mitosaya newspaper
A weekly newspaper that provides detailed information about events at mitosaya. You can view back numbers by selecting "NO" in the age check box on the top page (or instagram.