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  • ¥1,080 Out of Stock
リンゴとカクテルフルーツのジャム / APPLE AND COCKTAIL FRUITS

冬のある日、ファーマーズマーケットに出店しました。その時に作った特別なお酒、新作の「AWA BIWA」に漬け込んだドライフルーツとワインのカクテルを皆さんに楽しんでいただいたその後の、漬けこまれたドライフルーツが残ったわけなのですが、それがまた格別に美味でした。ちょうどその時期はリンゴが大量に蒸留所に流れ込む時期でもありましたから、その少しをわけてもらい、一緒に煮込んでジャムにしてみました。




原材料:リンゴ、ドライフルーツ(チェリー、アプリコット、マルベリー)「AWA BIWA」(蒸留酒)、ワイン、グラニュー糖、フウトウカズラ、橙果汁

One day in the winter, I opened a stall at a farmer's market. After everyone enjoyed a cocktail of dried fruits and wine soaked in the new AWA BIWA, a special liquor we made at that time, we were left with the soaked dried fruits, which were exceptionally delicious. At that time of the year, there were a lot of apples flowing into the distillery, so I asked the distillery for some of them and cooked them together to make jam.

When I chewed on the cherries, I could smell the aroma of alcohol and it was very luxurious. The cherries sometimes hit your teeth, which is a nice accent.

Enjoy each spoonful while savoring the difference.

If you put it on your toast, it will be like a warm dessert and you will feel good from morning.

Ingredients Apples, dried fruits (cherries, apricots, mulberries), ""AWA BIWA"" (distilled liquor), wine, granulated sugar, houttuynia, orange juice.

Regular price ¥1,080
Regular price Sale price ¥1,080
In Stock Out of Stock
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