iá 野植風味學


  • ¥2,640 Out of Stock
iá 野植風味學 - No.1 UMAMI


料理人で、台湾のレストランEMBERSのシェフであるWes Kuoと、野草研究家で野草茶ブランド三玉號野草茶 主宰者、蘇立中を中心に、写真家、飲食編集者、デザイナー、イラストレーター、企画者といった多様な専門家が集まって作る、台湾の野草をテーマした一冊です。


「旨味(Umami)」号で扱う植物は、ドクダミ、月桃、破布子(カラスノエンドウ)、カラスザンショウ、楮(コウゾ)、アカギ(Bishop Wook)の6種。根、茎、花、果実、葉、種、芽といった部分を取り上げ、味覚や美的要素を通じて、それぞれの植物の特徴を感性と理性の双方から分析します。





サイズ:17cm x 23cm


24 November (Sun.) 10:00 - on sale

We have just received “iá”, a publication focusing on Taiwanese wildflowers and their flavors that we encountered during our recent visit to Taiwan.
The book is a compilation of various experts, including photographers, food and beverage editors, designers, illustrators, and planners, and is centered on Wes Kuo, chef and chef of EMBERS restaurant in Taiwan, and Su Lizhong, wild plant researcher and owner of the wild plant tea brand, San Yu No. Wild Plant Tea.

《iá》 means “field” in Taiwanese. The first issue focuses on the theme of “Umami” in plants, and is not only intended to provide systematic information, but also to serve as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience regarding the flavors of wildflowers in Taiwan. It aims to organize, pursue, and develop the rich taste sensation rooted in Taiwan's nature.

The plants handled in the “Umami” issue are six species: dokudami, shell ginger, gingko, crow's-pea, crow's-pea, mulberry, and redwood (Bishop Wook). The following parts of the plants will be discussed: roots, stems, flowers, fruits, leaves, seeds, and buds, and the characteristics of wild plants will be analyzed from both sensory and rational perspectives through taste and aesthetic elements.

In addition to the inherent flavors of these plants, the exhibition explores how flavors are transformed at the intersection of nature and the human hand through cooking, fermentation, candied, dried, smoked, and other processes.

This book is packed with beautiful visuals and sincere exploration. It is encouraging to know that there are friends in various parts of the world who are facing plants with similar feelings.



Size: 17 cm x 23 cm
Pages: 108 pages
Year: 2024
Language: Chinese (traditional), English
Publisher: 野植風味有限公司

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Regular price ¥2,640
Regular price Sale price ¥2,640
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