pasta secca

[mitosaya x pastificio Sugino]

  • Rigatoni Mezzi con Aloro / ローリエのリガトーニ ¥2,160 Out of Stock
  • Campanelle con Rosmarino / ローズマリーのカンパネッレ ¥2,160 Out of Stock
  • Maffaldine Corte con Finocchio / フェンネルのマファルディーネ ¥2,160 Out of Stock
[mitosaya x pastificio Sugino] pasta secca
[mitosaya x pastificio Sugino] pasta secca
[mitosaya x pastificio Sugino] pasta secca
[mitosaya x pastificio Sugino] pasta secca


「イタリアの街角のように、できたての生パスタを日本でも買えたら」という思いから2017年東京・西小山、イタリアのボローニャやシチリアでSfoglina(パスタ職人)の修行をした杉野千里さんがオープンした Pastificio Sugino。現在は、神奈川県大磯町に工房を構え、バラエティ豊かなパスタを作る街の製麺所として多くの人に親しまれています。

Pastificio Suginoに、mitosayaで採れたフレッシュなハーブを練り込んだパスタを作ってもらいました。せっかくならば長く楽しめるものにしようと、パスタセッカ(乾燥麺)にしました。配合や乾燥時間・温度などを試行錯誤した結果できたのが、ローリエのリガトーニ、ローズマリーのカンパネッレ、フェンネルのマファルディーネの3種のショートパスタです。



[Rigatoni Mezzi con Aloro / ローリエのリガトーニ]

[Campanelle con Rosmarino / ローズマリーのカンパネッレ]

[Maffaldine Corte con Finocchio / フェンネルのマファルディーネ]




17 December (Tue.) 10:00 - on sale

Inspired by the idea of being able to buy freshly made pasta in Japan, just like on the street corners of Italy, Pastificio Sugino was founded in 2017 in Nishi-Koyama, Tokyo, by Ms. Chisato Sugino, who trained as a Sfoglina (pasta artisan) in Bologna and Sicily. Today, the workshop is based in Oiso Town, Kanagawa Prefecture, where it has become a beloved local pasta shop, offering a wide variety of handmade pastas.

For this collaboration, Pastificio Sugino crafted pasta infused with fresh herbs harvested at mitosaya. To make it something you can enjoy for a long time, we chose to create pasta secca (dried pasta). After extensive trial and error with blending, drying times, and temperatures, we created three types of short pasta: Rigatoni Mezzi con Alloro (Bay Leaf Rigatoni), Campanelle con Rosmarino (Rosemary Campanelle), and Mafaldine Corte con Finocchio (Fennel Mafaldine).

The aroma of the herbs is released directly from the pasta itself, making it a delight even in simple recipes with just olive oil and salt. The pasta is packaged in our signature box, usually reserved for mitosaya bottles.

[Rigatoni Mezzi con Alloro / Bay Leaf Rigatoni]
A short version of rigatoni, a cylindrical pasta with ridges on its surface. Its firm texture pairs exceptionally well with rich, meaty stews or creamy, thick sauces.

[Campanelle con Rosmarino / Rosemary Campanelle]
A short pasta version of long, frilly-edged campanelle. Its smooth yet airy texture works beautifully with oil-based, tomato-based, or light cream sauces, as well as in gratins or soups.

[Mafaldine Corte con Finocchio / Fennel Mafaldine]
Shaped like small, bell-like curls, this versatile pasta captures sauces perfectly and complements any type of sauce. Its soft texture pairs wonderfully with delicate ingredients and is also excellent in soups.


Name: Pasta
Ingredients: Durum wheat (semolina), sea salt, herbs
Net Weight: Approx. 220g
Cooking Time: Boil in 1% salted water for approx. 8 minutes
Best Before: May 30, 2025

Purchase quantity is limited to two items per product, per size.

Regular price ¥2,160
Regular price Sale price ¥2,160
In Stock Out of Stock
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

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