港町、ロヴィニのHotel AdriaticのBarでmitosayaのプレゼンテーションを行った。
ガレージを改修した彼らの蒸留所はMonachus Distilleryと名付けられた。
Aalto Houseでは建具が気になった。
The Helsinki Distilling Companyで半日だけ働かせてもらった。
FiskersのÄgräs Distilleryを訪れる。アクアヴィット、ジン、ウィスキー、そしてビール。彼らの陽気さがそのままボトルになったよう。
Nikari のStudio-Workshop。美しい家具を作る美しい工房。
TampereのRauhaniemi Sauna(ラウハニエミ・サウナ)。サウナはどこも素晴らしい。
旅の最終目的地、フィンランドの北、Kyrö Distillery。どこよりもモダンなウィスキー蒸留所が出来た。
This was a trip last August that I never thought would happen.
Luka and Anja open a distillery in Premontura, a small town in the Istrian peninsula, south of Croatia. I went to visit them on the chance that they had worked at mitosaya for a while as interns.
Native immortelle and juniper. The lush vegetation along the coast.
It was just a beautiful country.
In the evening, we went to the beach everyday.
I gave a presentation on mitosaya at the bar of Hotel Adriatic in the port town of Rovinj.
They renovated a garage and named their distillery Monachus Distillery.
At the Estonian National Museum in Tartu, Estonia, an ingenious exhibit showed the dramatic social changes that occur when a country changes.
At Aalto House, I was interested in the fittings.
I was allowed to work at The Helsinki Distilling Company for only half a day.
The work done in a small space with a small number of people has a lot in common and is very helpful.
I visited Ägräs Distillery in Fiskers. Aquavit, gin, whiskey, and beer. Their joviality seems to have been turned into bottles.
Nikari's Studio-Workshop, a beautiful workshop that makes beautiful furniture.
Lecture and presentation by mitosaya at Kulttuurisauna in Helsinki.
Rauhaniemi Sauna in Tampere. All the saunas are great.
The final destination of the trip, Kyrö Distillery in northern Finland, where the most modern whisky distillery has been built.