the Distiller's Year

8月 For the birds(ちっぽけなこと)



木更津に[SongBird Beer]というビール醸造所があると知って、そんな昔のことを思い出していたら、[SongBird]と[SongBird Beer]は、同じ[SongBird]だということを知って驚いてしまった。


8月の日曜日の昼、木更津の住宅街の一角にある、[SongBird Beer]を訪れると、小さな子が裸でカウンターの前で遊んでいた。小さな試飲スペースもあって地元っぽいおじさんがビールを楽しんでいる。カウンターの奥の醸造所で作るビールはベルギービールタイプ。ホップの違いや小麦の違いで飲ませる。











同じような環境で酒類を作っている製造場は、全国を見渡せばいくらでも事例はあるが、保健所からは、同じ千葉県で平成12年以降に作られた事例じゃないと参考にならないとこれまた謎のルールを言われ、というわけで冒頭の[SongBird Beer]訪問になる。







The station next to the high school I attended was a bit prosperous, and I usually went to this town for fun back then. One day, after leaving the station and walking along the narrow street along the railroad tracks for about five minutes, I found a suspicious-looking store that was entered through the back door of a shabby love hotel. The entrance to the hotel was on the main street side, and the back entrance was halfway under the ground because the building was built on a slope. When we opened the small door, which looked like it was formerly used as a manager's office, a bar counter with loud music playing in the dim light appeared. It was the first place I had ever been to called a bar. It was here that I learned about David Bowie and Janis Joplin, and it was here that I ate corned beef and oil sardines for the first time. It was also the first time I ate corned beef and oil sardines, and of course the first time I drank bourbon whiskey.

The bar's hand-painted sign could be seen for a moment from the train window, and I was itching to grow up and be happy that I was the only one on this train who knew about it.

I was reminded of such a long time ago when I learned that there was a brewery with the same name, and I was surprised to learn that it originated from that bar.

What I mean is that they were thinking of a name for the brewery, and they found a sign lying in the warehouse of the real estate agency where they were renting a property. According to the real estate agent, the master of the bar had asked him to keep the sign until he reopened the bar someday. More than twenty years have passed since then, and he took over the name of the bar, along with the sign, because he would not be coming back to get it.

On a Sunday afternoon in August, I visited the brewery, located in a corner of a residential area, and found a small child playing naked in front of the counter. There was also a small tasting area where a local-looking man was enjoying his beer. The beer made at the brewery behind the counter is of the Belgian beer type. They make you drink it with different hops and different wheat.

It's double hops, or even triple hops, which is just right for me since I'm a little tired of the recent inflation of beer.

This is not a daytime visit to a brewery to drink beer in a carefree manner, but rather a part of mitosaya's research to obtain a liquor license.


In order to operate as a distillery, you need to apply for a business license from the public health department. (There are also applications for permits to the fire department and tax office.)

This time, since there were not many examples of distillery renovations in the past, we went to the public health center several times to consult with them, had them look at the drawings and material samples, and carefully proceeded with the renovations, correcting any points that were pointed out and inquiring about any unclear points.

Once the renovation of the distillery was almost complete and the distillers and other equipment were installed, we submitted a series of documents to apply for the permit, and finally, we were asked to come for a site survey. Most of the time, they just want to make sure that the work is done as declared in advance.

However, the person in charge at the public health center who came to do the on-site inspection said that he wanted us to take it home after he had looked over everything. I had a bad feeling about this. A few days later, we received a call to come to the health center, and to our surprise, we were instructed to put up a new ceiling.

One of the requirements for a building used for the production of alcoholic beverages is that the ceiling must be smooth and easy to clean. We were told that the ceiling did not meet this requirement.

This time, the ceiling of the room that was originally the exhibition room of the medicinal herb garden was removed so that the roof and skylight could be seen. This is to let in light and ventilation since the room has no windows. The roofs of the fermentation and distillation rooms were covered with styrofoam to accommodate the wiring, but this was not recognized as a ceiling, and the attic was bare. But this was not recognized as a ceiling.

The unlucky thing was that the person in charge of the preliminary consultation had retired in the spring of this year, and there was no one to take over the job, so there was no one who knew what was going on at that time.

No matter how hard we tried to convince them that this was the ceiling, they did not understand, so we decided to gather similar cases and prepare materials to explain the structure and submit them again.

There are many examples of breweries making alcoholic beverages in similar environments all over the country, but the public health center told us that we would not be able to use them as a reference unless they were made in Chiba Prefecture after 2000, another mysterious rule.

However, it is also a mystery why each prefecture has different rules for making decisions even though they are based on national standards.

A few days later, I received a reply saying that they could reconsider the issue if they installed a supplementary structure in the distillation room to prevent foreign substances from entering.

Thinking that I had never seen anything like this before, I made a cover to prevent foreign substances from entering the extraction port of the distiller.

A representative from the public health center came to inspect the site again. The cats, Anko and Kinako, who had gotten used to being around people, stayed hidden during the investigation.

A few days later, we were informed that the permit had been granted and we went to pick up the permit. Permit No. 30-1. It took a lot of effort to get this flimsy thing.

I'm almost there.