CORNER SHOP MIYOTAでmitosayaのことを話す機会をいただきまました。



ミヨタデザイン部のローカルプログラムとなる本イベント「MITOSAYA to MIYOTA」では、Mitosaya薬草園蒸留所の代表、そして蒸留家の江口宏志さんをお招きして、大多喜町へ移住してからの暮らしやこれまでの蒸留所での全国の生産者とのものづくりのお話などをお伺いします。これまでも幾度か御代田へ来られている江口さんと御代田における新しい活動のアイデアやヒントなどを探っていきたいと思います。

今回はCORNER SHOP MIYOTAとの特別コラボレーションで、御代田は面替地区のブルーベリーと軽井沢のハーブを原料にしたMitosaya薬草園蒸留所オリジナルの「ブルーベリーとフレッシュハーブのコンブチャ」をイベント用に数量限定でご用意いただいております。


開催日時:9/2(土) 17:00-19:00 
会場:CORNER SHOP MIYOTA  (google map
ゲスト:江口宏志(Mitosaya 代表・蒸留家)



※イベント終了後は、PUBLIC BAR MIYOTAの営業にてMitosayaのドリンク各種をご注文いただけます。

トークイベント 17:00-18:00
テイスティング 18:00-19:00

*イベント終了後はPUBLIC BAR MIYOTA( @publicbar.miyota )の営業時間にて引き続きお楽しみいただけます。


When we looked around Japan for a possible location for mitosaya, we were torn between Otaki and a location in Miyota, Nagano, in the forest at the foot of Mt.
I was given the opportunity to talk about mitosaya at the new CORNER SHOP MIYOTA in front of Miyota station.

I am looking forward to meeting you all.

Event Information

MITOSAYA to MIYOTA", a local program of the Miyota Design Department, invites Mr. Hiroshi Eguchi, a distiller and representative of Mitosaya Yakusoen Distillery, to talk about his life since moving to Otaki Town and his past experiences of making products at the distillery with producers from all over the country. We will hear about his life since he moved to Otaki Town and his past experiences of working at the distillery with producers from across Japan. Mr. Eguchi has visited Miyota several times in the past, and we would like to explore ideas and hints for new activities in Miyota with him.

In a special collaboration with CORNER SHOP MIYOTA, we will be preparing a limited quantity of Mitosaya's original "Blueberry and Fresh Herb Kombucha" for the event, which is made from blueberries from the Mengae area in Miyota and herbs from Karuizawa.
Please feel free to join us.

Event Details

Date and time: Saturday, September 2, 17:00-19:00 
Venue: CORNER SHOP MIYOTA  (google map
Guest: Hiroshi Eguchi (Representative of Mitosaya, Distiller)
Admission: 2000 yen (with drink ticket)
Capacity: Max. 40 people (you can also join on the day of the event)

How to register
1) Please register using this participation form.
2) Please send a DM to the Miyota Design Department's Instagram account announcing your participation! We will send you the participation form by message◎.

Please note that we will not be selling bottles of Mitosaya's alcoholic beverages on the day of the event. Please note that only drinks will be served.
After the event, you can order drinks from Mitosaya at PUBLIC BAR MIYOTA.

Flow of the day
Talk event 17:00-18:00
Tasting 18:00-19:00

After the event, you can continue to enjoy drinks at PUBLIC BAR MIYOTA @publicbar.miyotaduring business hours.