サム・ゲンデル & マルセラ・チトリノヴィッチによるアートワークも絶好調のお酒チームは、桜のすべてを一本にとじこめたSAKURAMARO、搾ったばかりのオリーブの搾りかすを使ったPOST OLIVEの2種、

Introducing our new products.
Products that we have been preparing all year for you to enjoy the aroma and taste of spring.
The sake team, whose artwork by Sam Gendel & Marcela Chitrinovic is also in great shape, has two types of sake: SAKURAMARO, which contains all of the cherry blossoms in one bottle, and POST OLIVE, which is made from the pomace of freshly pressed olives,
The plum and cherry blossom petals are picked, tea leaves from mitosaya are fermented and made into tea, and the ingredients after the sake brewing process are used to make jams and sauces. The non-alcoholic team is very busy in spring.
Both will be on sale from 10:00 on Sunday, March 26.
Click here to see them.