Donation for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake / 能登半島地震への寄付


mitosayaでは、被災された酒蔵の再建と復興を支援するためmitosaya palsの会員様からの会費の一部とmitosayaからの寄付を合わせた100,000円を、石川県酒造組合連合会に義援金として寄付しました。


We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to those affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in 2024. The devastation has deeply impacted our community, and we stand in solidarity with the victims during this difficult time.

In an effort to support the rebuilding and recovery of the breweries impacted by this disaster, mitosaya has contributed a donation of 100,000 yen. This amount includes a portion of the membership fees from our mitosaya Pals members, combined with a direct contribution from mitosaya, which we have donated to the Ishikawa Federation of Sake Brewers Associations.

It is our sincere hope that this contribution will aid in the swift recovery of the affected areas. We extend our deepest appreciation to everyone who has cooperated and contributed to this cause. Your support makes a significant difference in these efforts.