• 20cm / 25本 ¥770 In Stock
  • 15cm / 25本 ¥770 In Stock
  • 20cm / 500本 ¥5,500 In Stock
  • 15cm / 500本 ¥5,500 In Stock



梅雨の前の晴れた日に、Farming Fridayチームの助けもあって、皆の手を使って収穫しました。




見学に行った日には利用者の方が8人、職員の方が3人で作業を行っていました。ひとりひとりができる作業の種類に合わせて2カ所に分かれ、ハサミを使う人、検品をして束ねる人などの役割分担がなされています。太さと長さをチェックするために使っている木製の治具は、職員さんお手製。15cmのものと20cmのものを作る「STRAW STRAW」の規格に合わせて作ってくれたそうで、効率よく作業ができるのはもちろん、丁寧に作業してくださっているその気持ちまで伝わってくるようなあたたかみも感じます。

こういった福祉作業所はそれぞれが単独で仕事を請け負うのがほとんどなのだそうですが、ピア宮敷では今、この常識を覆す仕組みづくりに取り組んでいます。近隣の2市2町にある事業所に声をかけ、作業を皆で分け合って分担することで、より多くの「STRAW STRAW」を作る体制を整えてくれています。


パッケージは2021年に開催した、山本祐布子 x mitosaya 「NOURISH」展の際に制作したポスターの余剰を使いました。ラベルの文字はNigel Peakeによるもの。ストローの由来がわらであることをSTARAW STRAWという繰り返しの名前が伝えます。丸いシール一枚が表のタイトル、裏の品質表示を兼ねています。


飲食店で使用していただくことや、小売店等で自社の不要紙、梱包紙でパッケージしてもらうことなどを想定した、数量をまとめたBulk Packもご用意しています。


長さ:約15cm / 約20cm
内容量: 25本 / 500本


These straw straws are made from naturally grown rye that we grew ourselves.

We started growing rye in the fall of the year before last with Mr. Noguchi, a local farmer, and Mr. Kimishima of AMBESSA, a teacher of natural living at mitosaya. Last year, we were able to rent a field several times larger than the previous one in a different location. We plowed the land and made rows. We sow the wheat before winter comes, and step on it when it grows a little. Weeds are occasionally removed. After all this work, this spring the rye has grown to a height of two meters.

On a sunny day before the rainy season, with the help of the Farming Friday team, we harvested the rye with all hands.

After the wheat was harvested, we used a harvester to dry the wheat and then threshed the straw, taking care not to damage the straw as much as possible.

This year, we asked Pia Miyashiki, a welfare facility based in Isumi City adjacent to Otaki Town, to help us process the straws. In a lush green area surrounded by rice paddies on all sides, they run a residential facility, a workshop, and a cafe. With the motto of ""a facility that is needed by the local community,"" the facility is seeking to connect with the local residents, and is engaged in unique activities such as the production and sale of sesame oil, jam, and honey using raw materials produced in Isumi, exchanges with local elementary schools through agriculture, and exhibitions of paintings and woodwork.

When the straw is brought in, the ears are first removed, and the tips are cut to a specific length, which must be at least 3 mm thick. 3 mm or less is too thin to be used as a straw, and the straw must be long enough to avoid knots. The process of seeing each straw and cutting it by hand is essential.

On the day we visited, there were eight users and three staff members working. They are divided into two sections according to the type of work each person can do, and the roles are divided into those who use scissors and those who inspect and bundle the products. The wooden jig used to check the thickness and length of the straws was made by one of the staff members, and was made to meet the standards of the ""straw straws,"" which are made into 15cm and 20cm strands. I can feel the warmth of the work.

It is said that most of these welfare workshops undertake their work independently, but Pia Miyashiki is now working to create a system that overturns this common sense. They are now working to create a system to overturn this common sense. They have approached the workplaces in two neighboring cities and two neighboring towns, and by sharing and dividing the work among them, they have set up a system to make more ""straw straws.

After the wheat is cut in two lengths, it is boiled and then dried in a dryer over a long period of time. The surface of the disinfected, hardened and tightened straw becomes glossy.

For the packaging, I used the leftover posters I made for the Yuko Yamamoto x mitosaya ""NOURISH"" exhibition held in 2021. The text on the label is by Nigel Peake. The repeated name, STARAW STRAW, tells us that the straw is derived from straw. A single round sticker serves as the title on the front and the quality label on the back.

Each straw is handmade with the thoughts and feelings of the people involved, and the comfort of the natural material that differs from one straw to the next expands the enjoyment of drinks to an infinite extent.

Bulk packs are also available for use in restaurants, and for retailers to package the straws with their own unwanted paper and packing paper.

A grain of wheat will one day become whiskey. This barley straw is the first step of our dream.

Length: approx. 15 cm / approx. 20 cm
Contents: 25 straws / 500 straws
Ingredients: Naturally grown rye (grown in Otaki-machi, Chiba Prefecture)
Manufactured and distributed by: MITOSAYA Co.
Cooperation: AMBESSA & CO

Due to the nature of the material, the shape and condition may vary.
Please keep away from high temperature and humidity.
Please refrain from using this product if you are allergic to wheat.

通常価格 ¥770
通常価格 セール価格 ¥770
In Stock Out of Stock
税込 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。
