2019年のクサナギシンペイ、2020年のNigel Peake、2021年の西本良太、2022年のJason Loganに続いて、
2023年にコラボレーションするアーティストは、ロサンゼルスを拠点に活動するミュージシャン、Sam Gendelです。
1月のラベルは、彼の妻でもあるMarcella Cytrynowiczによるドローイングです。
Following Shinpei Kusanagi in 2019, Nigel Peake in 2020, Ryota Nishimoto in 2021, and Jason Logan in 2022.
The artist collaborating in 2023 is Los Angeles-based musician Sam Gendel.
As a saxophonist, and guitarist, he has created a sound that crosses jazz, folk, and hip-hop, while collaborating with a variety of musicians and releasing a diverse and prolific body of work.
He also creates his own album jackets for each of his albums.
The jackets are simple and elegant, as if his music were directly translated into visuals.
Expect to see a new reaction when such an expression meets mitosaya's spirits.
Our Labels on January feature drawings by his wife, Marcella Cytrynowicz.