無印良品 東京有明2周年祭「THE 2nd(Second)」に参加します。
mitosayaでは、無印良品 東京有明の量り売り売場から届いた、賞味期限切れ間近のマカダミアナッツとオーガニックのコーヒー豆などを原料にした、ほぼ植物性リキュール「THE 2nd KAHLUA」を発表します。
自分たちで育てるライ麦のわらからつくったストロー「STRAW STRAW」は、山陽製紙の古紙からつくった再生紙 PELP! PAPER を使った特別なパッケージを用意しました。
mitosayaのオー・ド・ヴィーを試飲できるTasting Barでは、「THE 2nd KAHLUA」の他、20種類以上を提供予定です。
THE 2nd(Second)
2022 年12月無印良品 東京有明開業 2周年を記念した企画第2弾。
金継ぎなど様々な取り組みを通してシェアする 2Days。
無印良品 東京有明
日時 12月17日(土)・18日(日)
営業時間 平日 10:00~20:00
土日祝 10:00~21:00
東京都江東区有明2-1-7 有明ガーデン・モール&スパ1~3F
電話 無印良品 東京有明 03-6380-7818
Café&Meal MUJI 東京有明 03-6380-7855

We will participate in MUJI Tokyo Ariake 2nd Anniversary Festival "THE 2nd (Second)".
At mitosaya, we will present "THE 2nd KAHLUA," an almost vegetable-based liqueur made from nearly expired macadamia nuts, organic coffee beans, and other ingredients from MUJI Tokyo Ariake's weighing and selling department.
STRAW STRAW, straws made from rye straw that we grow ourselves, will be specially packaged using PELP! PAPER, recycled paper made from used paper by Sanyo Paper Mills.
At the Tasting Bar, where visitors can sample mitosaya's eau-de-vie, more than 20 varieties will be offered, including "THE 2nd KAHLUA".
This will be an interesting gathering of unique approaches to reuse, recycling and upcycling. Please come and join us.
THE 2nd (Second)
This is the second project to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of MUJI Tokyo Ariake opening in December 2022.
Things that would have been thrown away before. Things that would have been thrown away or turned into trash.
But in reality, they still have value.
We want to give a "second life" to such things. Through various activities such as reuse, recycling, upcycling, and kintsugi
2Days is a project to share through various efforts such as reuse, recycle, upcycle, and kintsugi (metal-joining).
Peace on the 2nd anniversary.
Collecting the Piece of each of the initiatives to make it everyone's Peace.
Peace for everyone with various pieces.
MUJI Tokyo Ariake
Date and time: December 17 (Sat.) and 18 (Sun.)
Business hours: Weekdays 10:00-20:00
Weekends and holidays: 10:00-21:00
Address: 2 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063
Ariake Garden Mall & Spa 1-3F, 2-1-7 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Phone: MUJI Tokyo Ariake 03-6380-7818
Café&Meal MUJI Tokyo Ariake 03-6380-7855