2023年1月から販売している「Picked Apple」において、法律で定められた基準値を超えるメタノールの含有量が確認されました。該当する製品のメタノール含有量は2.0mg/mlで、基準値の1.2mg/mlを上回っています。
また、今回のご購入いただいた「Picked Apple」につきましては、ご返送いただければ返金の対応をさせていただきます。開封後の製品も対象です。
mitosaya 株式会社
- 商品名:Picked Apple(販売期間:2023年1月〜2024年3月分)
- 品目:リキュール
- アルコール度数:48%
MITOSAYA has discovered that the methanol content of some of its products in "Picked Apple," which has been on the market since January 2023, exceeds the legal limit. The methanol content of the product in question is 2.0 mg/ml, which exceeds the standard value of 1.2 mg/ml.
Methanol is naturally present in fruits and vegetables, especially in the pectin portion of fruits. This product is brewed and distilled from fruits, and the formation of trace amounts of methanol is unavoidable.
For example, in EU countries, the standard for methanol content in fruit spirits is 10 mg/ml.
Although the risk of health hazards from this incident is considered very low, we deeply apologize to our customers for the great concern and inconvenience this has caused them.
Reference: [Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare] Handling of Methanol in Alcoholic Beverages:
In accordance with the rules stipulated by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, we have added a statement to the product stating that the product is for confectionery use only, and we will continue to sell the product.
In addition, we will provide refunds for products purchased in this case if they are returned to us. This includes products that have been opened.
Return address:
298-0216, Otaki, Isumi District, Chiba Prefecture, Japan
mitosaya Corporation
Thank you for your continued support of mitosaya.
<Target product
Product name: Picked Apple (Sales period: January 2023 - March 2024)
Item: Liqueur
Alcohol content: 48%.